
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Checking if the current user is logged into Application Builder

If you want conditional logic in your PL/SQL dependent on whether the current user is also logged into the APEX Application Builder, this can be achieved by reference to:




This will have a value if the user is logged into APEX Application Builder, otherwise it will be null.

Related documentation:

Categories: Uncategorized

Working with APEX 5 Dialogs

February 17, 2017 Leave a comment

APEX 5 introduces native dialogs, both modal and non-modal. This article discusses:

  1. How to enable dialogs in your APEX 5 application if they are not already enabled.
  2. How to open a dialog.
  3. How to close a dialog, returning values from that dialog.
  4. How to respond to the closing of a dialog.

How to enable dialogs in your APEX 5+ application if they are not already enabled.

To check if Dialogs are already usable within your Application, start the Create New Page wizard and see if you can specify a Page Mode value of “Modal Dialog”. If you can then great, you don’t need to complete the steps in this section.

If you can’t, follow the steps below to enable the use of Dialogs.

NOTE: You won’t need to perform these steps if you’re using the Universal Theme. However, it is not necessary to be using the Universal Theme to use APEX’s native dialogs.


Above: If you can select Modal Dialog from the Page Mode select list then you do not need to complete the steps in this section.

Enabling APEX 5 native dialogs in your application

  1. Firstly, you need a Page Template which will be used as your Default Page Template for Dialogs. Within Application > Shared Components > Templates locate a suitable Page Template which already exists. You want to choose a Page Template which contains none of the components which would not be suitable for a dialog e.g. tabs, nav bar etc..
  2. Make a copy of this Page Template, calling the newly-created copy something like “Dialog Page”.
  3. Set the Template Type of this new Page Template to “Dialog Page”.dialogs2
  4. When you try to save the the new Page Template you may see errors such as the following:dialogs3To rectify these, locate the three fields mentioned and paste in the default values shown for each, as shown below.dialogs4
  5. Navigate to Shared Components > Themes. Open the the current theme for your application.
  6. Navigate to “Dialog Defaults” and select your newly-created Page Template from the Dialog Page select list. Click Apply Changes.dialogs5
  7. You should now be able to create new pages specifying their Page Mode as “Modal Dialog” or “Non-Modal Dialog”. You should also be able to modify the Page Mode of existing pages to turn them into dialog pages.

For more information about Dialog Templates in APEX 5:

How to open a Dialog

There are a couple of ways of opening a dialog page in APEX 5+.


The simplest way is to use any of APEX’s built in methods of generating navigation.

For example, setting the action of a Region Button to “Redirect to Page in this Application” and choosing a Dialog Page.


Alternatively, if you need to open a dialog using Javascript, you can use the following method:

a) Create a hidden page item which is going to hold the prepared URL of the dialog page you want to open. e.g. P35_DIALOG_URL

b) Populate this item with an on load pl/sql page process:

:P35_DIALOG_URL := APEX_UTIL.prepare_url(
, p_triggering_element => ‘$(”#openDialogIcon”)’

The first argument passed to APEX_UTIL.prepare _url here is easy: it’s the URL of the dialog page.

The second argument, p_triggering_element, is a string representing a jQuery object which will be identified as the Triggering Element which opened the dialog.

Note that you must use $(‘#someitemid’) and NOT $(“#someitemid”) (i.e. single quotes instead of double quotes to surround the selector string).

The jQuery object you specify here is important as it’s the item against which the apexafterclosedialog Javascript Event will be registered. You can see an example of this later in this article.

This call to APEX_UTIL.prepare_url will return a string of the following form:

javascript:apex.navigation.dialog(‘f?p=400:38:995688545561::NO:RP::\u0026p_dialog_cs=BA6YtuVKy9_VwUU3hN7x1vcfehc’,{title:’Select desired Item from List’,height:’600′,width:’700′,maxWidth:’false’,modal:true,dialog:null},”,$(‘#openDialogIcon’));

c) Create an On Page Load Dynamic Action with a Javascript action to assign this Prepared URL with an tag’s HREF attribute. E.g.:

// Wrap an tag around the icon which opens the Select Item dialog.
// Set the href of this new tag to be the URL
// javascript:apex.navigation.dialog(…) style value required to open
// the dialog.
$(“#openDialogIcon”).wrap( ‘<a href=”‘ + $(“#P35_DIALOG_URL”).val() + ‘”></a>’ );

How to close a dialog, returning values from that dialog.

1) You can close a Modal Dialog in one of three ways:

a) A Close Dialog Page Process (submit the page to fire this as you would any other Page Process).

b) A Close Dialog Dynamic Action

c) Call Javascript of this form:


Where the first parameter (true) indicates whether the dialog is modal or not and the second parameter is an array of items in the dialog whose values should be available in the parent once the dialog has closed.

See for more details on this Javascript function (i.e. apex.navigation.dialog.close).

2) The important concept, regardless of which of the above 3 methods you choose to close your Dialog, is the Items to Return value. This is the correct way to pass back items to the calling/parent page.

As John Synders points out here (

John Synders on the philosophy behind dialogs:
“The normal pattern for using dialogs is that it is OK for the calling or parent page to know about the dialog page, but not the other way around. The dialog should not know the context from which it is used. If a dialog page knows about the page it is called from then it limits how the dialog can be reused. This is not APEX specific; it is a common UI framework pattern but is often ignored in web apps. This means that if you are trying to take data entered in a dialog and insert or use it in the parent page, this should be done from event handlers or dynamic actions on the parent page not from code on the dialog page. You should not try to use JavaScript on the dialog page to try to manipulate the parent page.”

For example, using the Close Dialog Pager Process method (method “a”), you can set a comma separated list of items to return:


You may think “that’s all well and good in theory but I’m going to ignore this ideology and, in direct contravention of the above advice from John Synders, I’m going to use JavaScript on the dialog page to manipulate the parent page, just because it’s what I know and I’m not really bothered about reusing my dialog. I can just use something like parent.$(“#P100_SOME_ITEM”).val( ’some val from dialog’ ) to reference the parent and the job’s done.”

If you’re only using one level of dialogs (i.e. not a nested dialog) you can do this if you really want to and are happy to ignore the point about reusability of the dialog. However, If you are within a nested dialog (i.e. a dialog opened from another dialog) you’ll have problems with this since parent  will refer to the top level page and NOT the parent dialog. Search the John Synders article referenced above for the term “top level” to see why it’s built this way i.e. why all dialogs, nested or otherwise, are created in the parent page.

My advice would be NOT to do this in any case. Stick to the principle that the Dialog should not know about its caller.

How to respond to the closing of a dialog

So, great, now we have a means to close a dialog and specify which of the items in the dialog we wish to be available in the parent/calling window. The question then is: How do we get access to those values in the calling/parent window?

Again, we have a couple of options.

OPTION 1: Use Dynamic Actions

Create a Dynamic action with “Event Dialog Closed” as in the screenshot below. Note that the value for Selection Type is very important. If this is wrong, this will not work. This needs to be the item that triggered the opening of the dialog i.e. the Triggering Element.


Add one or more true actions to it of type “Set Value”, choosing a Set Type of Dialog Return Item. (In our example Page 35 is the parent page and page 38 is the dialog):


Option 2: Do it all manually with Javascript (who doesn’t like to have more control?)

For this option just create an On Page Load Dynamic Action with a Javascript Action as follows:



// the data parameter will be set to an object containing the values passed back from the closed dialog (“The Return Items”)

// e.g.:

// { P38_ITEM_ID: “1234”, P38_ITEM_NAME: “ACME WIDGET”, dialogPageId: 38 }

apex.item(“P35_ITEM_ID”).setValue( data.P38_SELECTED_ITEM_ID );

apex.item(“P35_ITEM_NAME”).setValue( data.P38_SELECTED_ITEM_NAME);



Again, note that the value of #openDialogIcon is very important. To repeat: This is the element that was indicated as the trigger for the opening of the dialog.


Related articles

Details of apex.navigation Javascript API

John Synders on Modal Dialogs in APEX 5

Dialog Templates in APEX 5 (Oracle Documentation)

Categories: Uncategorized

Adobe Fireworks Colour Picker Problem on Mac OS X Mountain Lion

I’ve had a problem with Adobe Fireworks CS5 ever since upgrading to a Retina Display MacBook. The problem is that the eye-dropper colour picker tool just doesn’t work any more. At all. Very frustrating.

I came across a very simple workaround today which can be found here:



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Advanced Javascript Tutorial

Today I came across a great interactive tutorial which covers a series of advanced Javascript topics. It’s very well put together and lets you try out your own variations of the code being shown which can be very handy in making sure your understanding is correct.

It’s from John Resig, the creator of jQuery. The tutorial is not jQuery-centric though. In fact, it doesn’t talk about or use jQuery at all. It’s just pure Javascript.

You can find it here:


Categories: Uncategorized Tags:

New Release of jQuery UI

October 9, 2012 Leave a comment

I’ve just noticed that there’s a new version of jQuery UI: 1.9. It includes nifty new widgets including Menu, Spinner and Tooltip. And who doesn’t love new widgets?

You can read about it and see demoes of the new functionality here:

Categories: Uncategorized

ChangeCase: A Simple Apex 4.0 Plugin

July 16, 2010 2 comments

A foray into Plug-Ins

To educate myself in the ways of the new Apex 4.0 Plug-Ins feature, I decided to create a simple item Plug-In which automatically converts all the text entered into the item either to uppercase or to lowercase, depending on which option the developer chooses. I’m making it available here not so much because I think it will be a useful Plug-In (though perhaps it might be if your requirement is very simple) but rather in the hope that it might be helpful to anyone else looking at Plug-Ins for the first time. I have heavily commented the code to explain what each bit is doing.

See it in action

A working example of this plugin can be seen here.

Download and install

The plugin itself can be downloaded here.

Once you have downloaded the Plug-In, you can install it by going to Shared Components > Plug-Ins > Import and following the prompt. You will then be able to create ChangeCase items in your application, choosing whether you want the contents to be automatically uppercased or lowercased.

Creating it from scratch

If, for the hell of it, you want to create this Plug-In from scratch as opposed to just downloading and installing it you can do so by following these steps.

  1. Within Application Builder go to Shared Components > Plug-ins and click “Create >”.
  2. Specify the following details and then click “Create”:

    : ChangeCase
    Internal Name: (or change this to be a universally unique name based on your domain name)
    Type: Item
    PL/SQL Code: Paste in the contents of this file. This contains two PLSQL functions (render_changecase and validate_changecase which we reference in the Render Function Name and Validation Function Name properties of this Plug-In). This PL/SQL code is heavily commented so should hopefully be fairly self-explanatory.
    Render Function Name: render_changecase
    Validation Function Name: validate_changecase
    Standard Attributes: Tick the checkbox labelled “Is Visible Widget”. If you do not tick this checkbox then there will be no option to specify a Label for our ChangeCase Item Plugin when we create an instance of it in our application. Since this is essentially just a slightly-modified Text Field, we certainly want the ability to specify a label.
  3. Click “Custom Attributes”. When we create a new instance of our new Plug-In, we want to be able to decide whether we want the contents to be automatically uppercased or lowercased so we create a custom attribute here to allow that decision to be made.
  4. Click “Add Attribute”.
  5. Specify the following details and then click “Create”.

    : Component
    Attribute: 1
    Label: Case Alteration Option
    Type: Select List
    Required: Yes
    Default Value: UPPER
    Add Value button in List of Values Section: Create two entries. One with a Display Value of “Uppercase” & a Return Value of “UPPER”; and the other with a Display Value of “Lowercase” and a Return Value of “LOWER”.
  6. We want the value entered into any instance of our new Plug-In Item to be either automatically uppercased or lowercased. We want this to happen client-side so for this we need some Javascript. That very simple Javascript can be found in this file. Download this file to your computer.
  7. Back in Application Builder, click “Files” and then the “Upload New File” button.
  8. Browse for the changecase.js file that you just downloaded and then click “Upload”.
  9. Finally, click “Apply Changes”.

You will now be able to create ChangeCase items in your pages where you’ll be able to specify, under settings, whether you want the content automatically uppercased or lowercased.

Categories: Uncategorized

Free Full UK Postcode Data

Ordnance Survey Free Postcode DataFor a long time the full set of UK Postcode data has been subject to quite a hefty fee. I didn’t realise until today but, earlier this year, this information was made available by Ordnance Survey free of charge.

The data can be downloaded from here (

Just tick the checkbox entitled Code-Point Open then click Next. They then email you a link to the CSV file to download (about 20 mb).

Now, can this data be incorporated into a nifty Apex 4 Plug-in?

The License

The licensing for this data seems pretty open, too, which is good news.

Taken from the Ordnance Survey License found here:

You are free to:
 copy, distribute and transmit the Data;
 adapt the Data;
 exploit the Data commercially whether by sub-licensing it, combining it with other data, or by including it in your own product or application.

A Note on the CSV File

In the CSV files that you will download from the link that Ordnance Survey send you, column K is the British National Grid (BNG) X co-ordinate and column L is the BNG Y co-ordinate. You can use for converting the odd co-ordinate backwards and forwards between BNG and Lat/Lon.
Categories: Uncategorized

New URL for this blog

March 26, 2009 2 comments

I recently downloaded and installed the really rather brilliant open source blogging software from I recommend having a play about with it if you have a web server with PHP and MySQL available to you. This will be the last entry to The new home for this blog is:

Categories: Uncategorized

Qumana Blogging Tools

I came across a very useful tool recently called Qumana. If you have your own blog you might find it very useful too. It essentially allows you to manage your blog entries (whether they be on WordPress, Blogger or a few more) via a thick, downloadable client.

This has the advantage that you have far more control over the layout of your posts. It also makes it far easier to upload images in your posts to whichever site your blog is with and, what’s pretty cool, is that you can create your posts in Word, complete with images, and then just copy and paste into Qumana and click “Publish”. It’s very handy and saves a lot of time.

It’s free and can be found at:

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